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Creative cities and culture-led development discourses have come under increasing scrutiny as elite-centric economic development agendas tend to trump ‘civic creativity’ ideals as imagined by Charles Landry. In South Africa, culture-led development and cultural policy tends to primarily mimic that of the global North, largely focusing on culture as a catalyst for economic and property development. Public art commissioning processes tend to focus on decorative projects as part of urban upgrading, which are often associated with ensuing gentrification and displacement of the urban poor. In contrast to focusing on these kinds of regeneration strategies, this article investigates Dlala Indima, a hip-hop-led graffiti project in a rural township in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This article situates graffiti as a critical social and spatial practice to argue that this case challenges normative cultural planning paradigms. Dlala Indima's work is an alternative approach to cultural development by and for young people who are usually marginalized by the mainstream practice of culture-led economic development. The project challenges dominant creative cities and culture-led development discourses in three ways: first, it challenges the normative processes of regeneration; secondly, it grounds participatory practice; and finally, it shifts participation from ‘tyranny to transformation’ through the ubuntu of hip-hop, the notion of ubuntu being based on the communitarian notion of ‘ubuntu, ngubuntu ngabantu’—‘I am because you are’.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there has been a proliferation of research on human resource management (HRM) in Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) as a result of the wide-reaching state-sector reform of the late 1980s. This article aims to provide a systematic review of literature on this topic and capture the nature of HRM in Chinese SOEs, both in research and practice. The article draws on 178 studies from 43 English academic journals over a period of 25?years (1993–2017). In analysing this literature and by taking stock of theoretical frameworks, research methods, themes and analysis of academic articles in this area, we have gained a number of insights. The study has found that the research methods used have shifted from qualitative and interpretive methodology toward quantitative and sophisticated modelling. A further insight is that there has been a relatively heavy reliance on institutional theory in the earlier studies reviewed, and since then a switch towards organizational behaviour perspectives. The level of analysis has moved from macro to micro level and thematic foci have become more diverse and complex. We highlight a number of avenues, theoretical and empirical, for future studies in this field.  相似文献   
以“PlanT”康复花园的场所设计及志愿者参与性活 动设计为疗愈方法,通过循证实验设计,采用中医体质量表评 价健康增益。研究结果表明:其花园参与性设计对志愿者有不 同的健康增益效果。26.67%的志愿者在参与活动后,曾由偏 颇体质转为平和体质,其中有16.67%转为平和体质并持续到 活动结束。活动结束时,在各体质的亚量表中,志愿者平和质 得分显著高于活动前,8种偏颇体质得分整体均有下降,其中5 种与活动前得分有极显著差异,2种有显著差异。调查问卷结果 表明:志愿者主观认为康复花园参与性设计对健康有明显增益 作用。选择9月采集中医体质量表数据,将实验组与对照组进行 对比,得到实验组转为平和质的人数较对照组高14%,实验组 中有2种体质在活动前后的亚量表分数有显著差异,对照组均无 显著差异。研究表明,康复花园参与性设计对本案例45~70岁 人群的健康增益有效。  相似文献   
城市化进程加快导致城市热岛效应问题日益突出, 公园绿地在降温方面具有重要作用,如何通过公园绿地布局以 减缓热岛效应是当前值得思考的问题。以福州市主城区为研究 区,利用辐射传输方程和泰森多边形分析城市热岛情况及公园 绿地布局现状,采用P-中值模型结合城市用地规划确定公园 绿地布局优化方案,结果表明:1)福州市主城区的整体温度偏 高,其热岛范围达城市总面积的11.78%;2)共提取福州市主 城区公园绿地47个,总面积为11.11km2,占主城区总面积 的4.47%,公园绿地布局总体不能满足人们的需要;3)利用 P-中值模型对公园绿地供需情况进行分析,得出18个公园绿 地需要优化,其中包括福州动物园、环南公园等12个一级优化 公园绿地,以及屏山公园、琴亭湖公园等6个二级优化公园绿 地;4)结合福州市中心城区用地规划,得到50个潜在公园绿 地建设点,主要集中于城门镇、盖山镇及新店镇。  相似文献   
俄罗斯博物馆保护区兼顾有形与无形文化遗产保护的综合管理,关注人文环境与自然环境的整体保护问题。通过对俄罗斯文化遗产保护体系的梳理,基于博物馆保护区在俄罗斯文化遗产保护体系中的地位,对俄罗斯博物馆保护区的基本概念、分布特征、保护区划和基本分类等内容进行研究。最后,从整合机制和管理机构设置两方面分析中国历史文化街区保护存在的问题,提出作为文化机构的博物馆保护区制度,将为完善中国历史文化街区的保护制度提供必要的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
城市化进程带来如城市内涝等诸多环境问题,使得 海绵城市和低影响开发成为热点。城市住区绿地作为城市绿地 的一个重要类型,既是住区居民重要的景观游憩场地,也是海 绵城市低影响开发的重要海绵体,是兼具径流绩效和景观绩效 等综合绩效的复合设施。如何让雨水设施在发挥径流绩效的同 时兼具满足居民需求的景观绩效,是目前相关研究的难点和热 点。居民喜好度的研究是住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效优化提升 的重要方法之一。通过联合分析法,遴选雨水收集、雨水转 输和雨水调蓄3个环节的源头减排雨水设施,模拟江南住区中 心绿地雨水设施场景收集居民评价,进行不同居民群体的设 施喜好度效用值相关性统计和住区绿地不同类型雨水设施效 用值及相对重要性分析。并通过走访、文献查阅解析所得数 据,为住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效提升和低影响开发设计提 供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   
建章宫“一池三山”的布局源于汉武帝的神仙信仰。受此影响,其中的仙山形象应是上广中狭的台状构筑物。此种台状仙山与汉代慕拟自然的假山形象并行发展,成为后世皇家园林“一池三山”的主要表达方式。通过对汉代图像资料中的仙山形象进行梳理,并结合相关的文献记载,对“一池三山”的仙山形态进行探究。进而分析了这一仙山形态在古典园林仙境景观中的发展演变,及其与汉代园林中用于迎仙的台的区别与联系,为进一步理解早期园林中的景观内容提供新的线索。  相似文献   
具有历史遗存的城市公园是指在公园红线范围内含有一定文化价值的历史文化景点、文化遗产和文物保护单位等历史遗存的城市公园,其改造与更新的核心问题是平衡公园的保护传承与复兴发展,寻求二者的共生,如何科学有效地平衡协调两者之间的关系成为改造的关键。基于共生理论的解读与启示,以江西省南屏瀚峰文化公园为例,分别从文化、功能和空间3个方面深入分析了公园存在的主要问题,并结合实例,探讨了具有历史遗存的城市公园改造与更新的共生策略与实践措施。  相似文献   
The forest and landscape restoration (FLR) targets set as part of the Bonn Challenge draw attention to the governance arrangements required to translate national FLR targets into local action. To achieve the targets, actors at multiple levels of the governance scale aim to influence relevant processes on the ecological scale. In this article, we focus on the scale challenges relating to the implementation of Ecuador’s restoration targets, by analysing the implementation of the 2014–2017 National Forest Restoration Plan in the montane Chocó Andino and Bosque Seco landscapes. From 54 semi-structured interviews, a document review, and geographical data analysis, we identified two temporal (i, ii) and three spatial scale challenges (iii, iv, v): i) Political cycles mismatch with FLR timelines; ii) Planning horizons mismatch with FLR timelines; iii) National restoration objectives mismatch with decentralised land use planning realities; iv) The governance level of existing FLR efforts mismatches with the level receiving restoration funds; and v) Tensions exist between the spatial dimensions of biodiversity and water-related restoration efforts. The findings highlight that more attention must be given to scale-sensitive governance to make the process in which national FLR targets are translated into local action more effective.  相似文献   
绿地有一定的雨洪调蓄功能,雨洪状况下,如何在汇水系统尺度利用和保护绿地亟待研究。选取95处位于武汉港西汇水系统的地块,调研地块性质,利用ArcGIS提取不透水比例及平均坡度,并进行SWMM水文模型演算。通过实验性模拟结果的对比,得出汇水系统的绿地雨洪调蓄效率(λ=0.13m3/m2)、汇水系统(g=36%)和各类用地(g=18%~47%)基于雨水调蓄理念下的最低绿地率,使汇水系统水文状况达到海绵城市建设标准。讨论了不同重现期下汇水系统的绿地雨洪调蓄效能,旨在完善绿地雨洪调蓄的研究方法、指标体系及利用与保护策略,为相关研究与实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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